Leaving one year and going to the next. I wanted to do sort of a review. Well not totally. But just some high points, some things. So:
Twenty-six things from 26:
1. I found out I was pregnant on my birthday last year. Great way to start the year.
2. Got a matching band for my wedding ring.
3. I finally got a new job that I love dearly.
4. Chris got accepted to BYU again.. but we stayed here. Again.
5. Chris started his senior year of college, set to graduate May 2014.
6. We had my dream baby shower- the secret gender reveal mickey shower. BEST. EVER.
7. My baby brother turned 18 and makes me feel old.
8. Started my Project Life scrapbook. Never caught up, but I will finish the year !
9. We celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary.
10. We got another doggy, a chocolate lab named Java.
11. My sweet little sister went on a misson to Cali- LA spanish speaking.
12. We (obviously) had the sweetest baby boy, Logan.
13. I discovered I love being a mom.
14. Logan went on 4 plane rides.
15. I got to watch my wonderful Great Grandfather (who's 96) hold my beautiful baby boy.
16. We moved into the cutest little house ever with the best landlords (or ladies !) ever.
17. Realized how hard this list is.
18. Rebuilt a lot of bridges that I thought were burned and lost forever.
19. Gained ~30lbs and loved every second.
20. Had fun roatrips to DC, Indianapolis and Columbus.
21. Turned a mom in to a grandma, a dad into a grandpa, a grandma in to a great grandma, and a great grandpa in to a great-great(!) grandpa.
22. Started couponing- but not extreme-ly. Just sparingly.
23. Loved decorating my little house.
24. Gone to two weddings.
25. Gone fishing- 1.
26. Gone skydiving- 0.
And always looking forward.
Twenty-seven things for my 27th year:
1. Watch my husband graduate.
2. Watch my little sister get married.
3. Go to California for the first time (thank you work trips!).
4. Go to the Zoo.
5. Read more books.
6. Learn more piano songs not in the LDS Hymn Book.
7. Finish reading the Old Testament.
8. Finish reading the Book of Mormon.
9. Keep up with Project Life for "Project 27" !!
10. Re-earn my Personal Progress Medallion (for more info on that, go here!)
11. Take more roadtrips with my hubby. Or even just fun nontraditional dates.
12. Visit the beach.
13. Visit NJ & Utah.
14. Build a snowman.
15. Get family pictures taken.
16. Be more consistent at going to the gym.
17. Make a huge scientific breakthrough at work (HA!)
18. Try not to spend as much time on pinterest/facebook.
19. Work more on my family history (read more bout that here !).
20. Learn to knit... ::cough cough:: Katie...
21. Be more consistent at my journals (blog doesn't count unfortunately!).
22. Watch my husband fly.
23. Figure out if we're doing AF: active duty, reserve or guard.
24. Eat more fresh fruit.
25. Try to be more positive and patient.
26. Keep in touch with family better.
27. Turn 28.
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