Thursday, April 25, 2013

Heaven help me !

Two and half weeks without a post. My apologies followers !

Life has been pretty insane. I mean, besides growing a human, which contrary to your thinking is a lot of work and exhausting and makes moving so awkward, I've had so much going on. With finally getting the keys to the house and trying to paint and move and, and AH. I can't take it much longer. Packing was just done bit by bit, a box here and there, unload at the house and take the box back, repack. And for some reason it seemed like we only ever started working 7pm or later. And it was exhausting. Is exhausting. But house was painted in a week. Which also killed. My legs are muscly and awesome going up and down that step ladder. So house painted, we're pretty much out of the apartment. The last few things are cleaning things that need to be there. And mostly its been bit by bit, on my days off, pack a box, wipe down the bathroom, today was clean the fridge. Chris has been working and school and I feel like it's mostly been on me. Kind of frustrating. Not anything against him, he's busy doing stuff. And whenever I explain to people how exhausting my life is, they all complain, "you need to take it easy, put your feet up" etc etc. Um... so are the moving fairies going to get me in my house? Are YOU? HA. We're just so so so close. Can't wait. Then I get to start on the daunting task of unpacking. Nothing like a 2 week time limit... please stay in there little baby !

But we love the house. I love doing laundry, even if there isn't anywhere to put it yet until we get stuff situated. The living room is almost normal looking, once we get stuff hung up and off the floor. I love having a mantle. Can't wait to decorate it ! Logan's room is getting there. I went through everything and sorted what was doubled, needed returning, put things sorta in their spots. This kid has so much clothes ! Can't wait to get a second bar and hang up some more of the cute little clothes ! And I ordered the baby bedding. It should be here in a week ! Ah ! I'm so excited to get the room semi-together. Get his little name frames on the wall, and the shelves and all that. And finally find a cushion for the glider so I can sit in it and just rock my little guy to sleep. Ah !

Everything else seems to be pretty normal. Work has been pretty laid back since everyone went to Boston for a conference. Talk about wonderful timing. But things went smoothly. Everyone made it there and back without Katie killing anyone :] I didn't go into labor before they got back. I'm pretty sure I didn't kill all the cells and only messed up a few things. Lame. Yay for having a horrible memory. It's been nice timing though since I can use this time to get outta the apartment and get into the house.

My doc appts have been going fine. Last week my blood pressure was a little high and we all had a moment of panic. But it went back down after relaxing and no early delivery. At my appointment today Doc measured my belly and said we're still measuring big. And nexy week we'll have another ultrasound (!!) and measure him again. So I get another peek ! I'm excited. Except when I joked about bringing my hospital bag in case and Doc was like... well, might not be a bad idea. AH ! Scary. But yay for more ultrasound pics and to see my little guys chubby cheeks.

**Update: Totally forgot to add pictures. Loser.

Look at that belly ! BYE PURPLE WALLS !

My wall I painted all by myself :] 

When my awesome co-workers threw me a super amazing surprise baby shower :]

Beginning of 37 weeks ! Belly !

How far along? 37 1/2 weeks. 
Total weight gain: +26lbs ugh !
Maternity clothes? Barely covering. Yay big belly !
Stretch marks? Still only the 2 or 3 I saw earlier. Nothing intense.
Sleep: feels like a waste of time getting up every hour or so. Even if its just to toss and turn. it takes so much effort !     
Best moment this week: My brother Josh feeling him kick. He's never felt a baby kick. 
Miss Anything? Just having my mobility and ability to do things. I hate how tired I get, and back hurts so easily, and there's so much to do !
Movement: All over, all the time. Even though he's dropped, his favorite place is still up in my ribs !
Food cravings: FRUIT !! ah and it's almost all good and in season !
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. Dust is gross.  
Labor Signs: Sometimes some pangs. Baby has dropped so my hips are killing me...
Symptoms: Horrible hand joint pain. HORRIBLE. Numbness. I'm over my fat feet. And back pain. 
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Wedding rings on or off? Off. I've had to get creative with what rings fit that finger so people don't think I'm unmarried with my big belly.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody at the moment. I'm tired all the time. I work from sun up to sun down without a break and it's starting to kill me.
Looking forward to: Ultrasound next week ! And seeing my little guy so soon!

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