Thursday, January 17, 2013

Warning: Boring... Sorry !

It's lunch time. Almost. And I'm not hungry. Weird. Apparently donuts fill you up :] Let's be serious... I'll start typing this and then get extremely hungry and come back later and finish...

Still not hungry :]

Nothing huge has transpired in the last week. Everything was leading up to finding out what we were having. And now that we know... we just know. I did finally get to buy something. I made myself. It wasn't even like a OMGosh I have to have this for my baby. It got to the point where it was like, "I seriously haven't bought one thing yet? Ok, this will do. It's Disney." I do still want to go get the mickey plush <3 and I need to get ambitious and return/exchange stuff we got doubles of from the shower. Anyone? I want a PA. (Personal assistant for all those not down with my lingo)

My bellys getting huge. I feel like I can hardly breathe when I lean forward. I can hardly ever even lean forward. Unless my legs are splayed open at an awkward angle (nice visual huh?) And the itchy skin! It's worse the hours after showering, so I'm fresh with oils and lotions and I'm SO itchy... gross. And new this past few days, hello round ligament pain ! I read about it. Thought I was escaping the 2nd trimester without experiencing it, but for real, I'm not that lucky :] It's horrible since I can feel that one stupid muscle, or ligament, whichever, stretching. I'd almost say tearing, but that makes me cringe. We'll go with stretching. Dang growing baby. But it's fun that he's growing so fast now. All the baby blogs are like so many ounces a week and yada yada and growth burst, and baby fat and tada = a baby. I'm tiny now. Or so people say. Even though I'm starting to do that knocking stuff over with my belly or run into things that I swear I had enough depth perception a few weeks ago, why am I hitting everything now? So I must be getting bigger so little Logan is getting bigger. Joy :] He moves a lot. If I focus on it when he's all rolly around in there, I can motion sickness. It's kind of funny, in a I'm going to be sick way. Cause I'm not moving, at all. I'm perfectly still. But focusing on the wavy type motion, ugh. And Chris feels him every now and then. I love when I feel kicks. I always giggle or get this huge grin on my face. I could sit all day and chase him around my belly feeling for kicks. Or punches, or headbutts, not really sure. My little karate kid !

So... my super exciting life. Our living room is full of bags of stuff. We're on the last (?) step of getting the townhouse closed !! YAAY!! I keep telling myself I'm so excited to get that done and start moving and getting settled, but I'm so lazy lately, do I really want to do all that work? No, I want my magical fairies to do it for me ! Hello my new PAs!! But hopefully that "nesting" thing will kick in and I'll be gung-ho about getting the house in order. I want to start packing stuff now but I'm afraid I'll need something and that will super frustrate me if I need something and its packed somewhere. So get excited about helping us move in the next few weeks. Hopefully. Fingers crossed. I have more than enough time, since hello, it's January, and the baby won't be here until May. But I'm looking at pregnancy checklists and you-should-have-this-done-this-week-of-you-pregnancy calendars and I'm so behind ! And I stress. But a lot of it I'm ahead of schedule on too. Breathe Haley. You'll be ok.

And lastly, hubby and I had a little moment last night. I've read about "talking" to your significant other about the reality of all this and how they're feeling and be open and honest with how I feel and yada. Well, Chris and I are open and honest, but it's never in a serious setting, or there's usually another conversation going on immediately before or after. But last night before bed we had such a good moment. Just an open honest, I'm-excited-I'm-scared etc conversation. Couldn't have been more than a paragraph's worth of sentences. But it made me want to cry, to be on the same page, to know I'm not alone in how I feel. In how utterly afraid I am, of how much I already love this little guy and how different our lives are going to be. I love having Chris right there next to me, knowing he's there forever, on my team. He's the best husband I could ask for. The best friend. I'd never dream of doing this with anyone else and I'm so glad it's him.

BABY SURVEY before I start crying at work !

How far along? 24 weeks Hello 6 months !
Total weight gain: Find out next week ! hopefully something since I'm fat lol
Maternity clothes? Comfy gifts from the Gods. Wish macy's had a better motherhood section. lame. And downeast's wonder tees are PERFECT! take that maternity tanks that are nonexistent in wv
Stretch marks? Not yet... 
Sleep: I'm now waking up dying of heat no matter what the temperature.  
Best moment this week: our heart to heart chat <3
Miss Anything? Sushi. Not feeling guilty for missing my vitamins
Movement: He's going to be a karate master. 
Food cravings: I wish I had one big one. Still just little things every other day  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Been ok lately... and I just jinxed myself I bet.   
Gender: Still our little Logan. I wonder when I can delete this question... 
Labor Signs: No way. 
Symptoms: Itchy skin. All the time. Stupid ligament pain.      
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Wedding rings on or off? On. Still so loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :] 
Looking forward to: Hearing about the house ! So I can finally put into action my baby nursery ideas

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