Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I missed last week ! Oh well. It was my ever so interesting week of laying on the couch. No joke. My last day of work was last Thursday, and only half a day, then Friday off, then the whole week of Thanksgiving. I seriously love(!!!) my job. So it consisted of me being so sick the first few days (nice timing jerk) and really thought I was going to be spending my vacation on the couch wasting away from want of food. But, alas, it was only a few days. And now I feel great. I hate to say it, cause it will come back to bite me, but I honestly do. This is the best I've felt in a looong time. I'm slightly exhausted but nothing like before where I couldn't keep my eyes open no matter how much I tired, and would laugh at the thought of making it through the day without at least one nap. Oh life is gettin' good!

Thanksgiving was fun. As always. I love seeing family. We never get to even though everyone pretty much lives within a 30 min drive. What's up with that?? And we only had 2 dinners this year as opposed to the three in one night last year. It's too hard to eat that much food. You feel obligated even though you just ate. And I love seeing my family. We got there 2nd again, and after the 30ish (haha) people we had at the Perry party my 8 people party at my grandma's was low-key. They thought it was rowdy, but really? Wanna bet?? I love turkey. And mashed potatoes and gravy. YUM. I'd eat it once a week if it wasn't such a pain to make a whole stinkin' turkey ! And tatoes, and gravy and casseroles, etc, etc, etc. 

Anywho. Life. Um... yeah. Pretty normal I guess. Getting geared up for Christmas. I'm finally "allowed" to listen to Christmas music. So woo ! And I think today (finally!) I'll get the last bit so I can finish my tree. I mean our tree. Nope, it's my tree. Chris hates Christmas. He even called himself a Scrooge. So :p My tree! I'm pretty excited. I love Christmas. Not excited about finding presents for everyone. Or finding the money for the presents for everyone. But the whole spirit, and the whole mood of society changes. I love it. It makes me so happy. And I love that people actually focus on Christ. Even if they dont for the other 11 months out of the year, at least 1/12 of their life will be spent on remembering His birth. Yay!

So baby stuff. Yay? I'm 16 weeks and some days along. Still fit in to all my clothes. Just fine. Jeans get a little snug if I sit for too long. But... nope. All these blogs with "this is where you should be" weekly ticker things I used to love. Now they're just telling me all the things I'm not experiencing. For instance, alphamom.com, LOVE her blog. Found it months and months before I was even pregnant. Hilarious ! Excerpt: Week 17 (where I am) 

"Possibly feel immensely huge and very pregnant (nope), but your bump probably isn’t as noticeable as you think it is (bump?). People may hesitate to comment or miss it completely, like the woman last night who came up and handed me an alcoholic cocktail and seemed genuinely shocked when I politely refused it, despite the fact that I feel like my belly eclipses my shoes at this point (eclipse?)."

Ugh. I hate you hilarious blog writing mother. While I'm honestly not bitter at all for not gaining wait and being huge and busting out of my clothes, I'm just slightly frustrated cause I feel like I've just been sick, and tired and basically battling the flu for 3 months. Are you sure I'm pregnant? Are you sure that whole ultrasound thing you did wasn't a pre-recorded baby video from someone else who's actually pregnant?? Ugh. Next topic !

So after I whine, let me be humble. I count myself lucky. I have had this chance that many women fight for, spend $10,000s to do, sometimes a lot more than that. So yes, I am blessed. I am so extremely lucky. I know this. I can count many personal friends and family who struggle(d) so please don't hate me. But until my belly pops out, or I feel a flutter or something, I just feel like I've been sick. So cut me some slack :p But yes, I love it, I'd never trade it for not being pregnant. I'm just wishing away my time (and body apparently) so I can actually be pregnant! Oh future me don't punch me in the face. 

But I have an appt Thursday, just a check up. Which I'm excited for, cause I had scary stuff go down this past month, and hearing my baby's heartbeat will reassure me everything's fine, even if I'm not growing, as long and she is. And then (exciting!!) my next appt will be 4 weeks from that Dec 27th, and I'm pretty sure that will be the anatomy scan aka what is the baby!! Yay ! I'm no positive. I'll know more this week when we make the appt. But WOO! I'll be 20 weeks so I dang better freaking have that ultrasound. So, a few weeks after that then I'll get to know what my baby is ! Yay for my fun baby shower. If you're confused why I won't know until Jan, read here -----> My super awesome totally original baby shower idea! 

On a super sad note. My in-laws beautiful chocolate lab ran off. Which she never does. And didn't have her collar on. Posted signs, called shelters, went and looked for her. And thankfully (sorta) social media helps. Everyone in the family posted pics and posted the general area she might be in. And someone got a message there was a dog (not alive) on the interstate. We'd probably have checked there the next day, but how insane is Facebook that you can do that. Years ago, you'd never lost post and find your dog that quick. Anyways, sadly, it was her. My sweet husband who has such a tender heart for animals was so broken up about it. The whole family was and still is. They only had her for two years (got her for Christmas, and her name was Noel, adorable) and was such a sweet playful dog. She will be missed, by more than her human family. Just wanted to put a little something about her. 
The tree amigos <3

OK happy stuff before I start crying !
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain: 0, but hopefully something when I got to my appt Thursday
Maternity clothes? Nope. See my angry rant above.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Except for the husbands phone/text messages/alarms waking me up, I'm good
Best moment this week: Someone asking me when I'm going to start looking pregnant. Fo' realz!
Miss Anything? Um... no?  
Movement: I think so. Something. But it's so sporadic, and by the time it registers I forget what it felt like 
Food cravings: Fruit. ALL THE TIME. And artichokes. That aren't in season. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. It's a nice change, let me tell you.   
Gender: Still saying girl. 
Labor Signs: No way
Symptoms: I get dizzy sometimes. COOL.   
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On. Falling off actually.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Defintely moody. Sorry honey :] 
Looking forward to: My appt this week to make sure everything's ok!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Honey-2nd Trimester-moon?

Well I'm slacking as far as keeping up like I wanted to on this. Life got "busy" which means it really didn't but I just don't like to do anything so when stuff starts happening I'm like what the heck. 

This past week was normal. I guess haha. Work was kinda slow. Everyone was going away and there wasn't much to do. 4 hour work days? Don't mind if I do ! It's been nice. Especially since I still don't feel well and like to lay around. Goodness. When will this 2nd trimester seriously hit me. And it a good way. Not a bus hitting me like the usual! 

On a good note. [I forget what I've talked about and what I haven't, so deal with the repeats. Blame it on pregnancy brain since that's finally kicking in] The little house we were going to "rent" fell thru. Almost literally. It had a crumbling foundation. But, she found another place. YAY. It's a cute little townhouse that doesn't look outdated at all. And it came with pictures. Which I'll post later when its all official so I don't feel like a total creeper posting someones pictures on here. But it's super cute. WASHER AND DRYER ! And from the pictures (not the description) DISHWASHER.  I'M SO EXCITED. Pretty sure I get to go see it. I'm actually having the discussion as I type. Fun. It's super cute. Beautiful wood floors. Little stone patio area out back. Quiet little neighborhood. Like 5 mins from the mall so Sarah can come visit me all the time :] or I can visit her. And... Yeah. I'm pretty excited. Paula said it should all go thru (inspection pending but it looks like it's in great condition) and we'd be able to move in before/by/around Christmas. YAY. AH! NEW HOUSE ! I don't think you all realize. Years 17-23 of my life were spent moving every year or less. Every year. And we've been in this "wonderful" apartment for almost 2 1/2 years. In the same place ! I'm dying over here. I'm so excited.  

Yay happy!

And I'm so extremely excited about Christmas. I jumped up and down at Home Depot when we were playing with this voice activated Christmas tree thing. I want it. Just a side note: http://www.homedepot.com/Decor-Holiday-Decorations-Christmas-Ornaments/h_d1/N-5yc1vZc3sd/R-203266260/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&storeId=10051#.UKPvsYc818E

It's awesome. And then walking around Target, I ended up in the Christmas section (I know, how did that ever happen, weird) and seriously just sat my stuff down, wandered the aisle singing the carols coming on, running my fingers along the decorations, just closed my eyes and smiled. Holy cow. It was like they pumped some drug in to that section and I was instantly happy. I want to live there. Build me a little elf house. I'll be set. Until they tear it all down post Holiday season :/

On a not fun/happy/cheery note. We did our big mouse study at work on Monday. 730am-530pm. Non stop. Woo. Horrid. Depressing. 36 mice. Lots of procedures and surgeries later (sorry, I'm trying to be as nondescript as I can!) and we're done. Ugh. So glad. I got thru it. I got lucky too cause I really didn't have to do any gross stuff. I just had to watch it.

Moving on! Baby thing.

How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain: Not that I can tell. Except 2 people have said I've lost weight and 1 said I gained...
Maternity clothes? Can't wait til I need them, and the ones I got are lovely :] Thanks Lorien!
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: the norm  
Best moment this week: Getting my box of maternity clothes :] that I want to wear now
Miss Anything? Not gagging. And not needing to eat every 2hrs to keep my stomach from dying 
Movement: I keep thinking I do, but its too high. 
Food cravings: Nope.
Anything making you queasy or sick: When I wait to eat. And then smell things.   
Gender: Everyone's still saying girl.  I feel bad if I pick one.
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Gagging. All the time.  
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Sick, so probably not happy 
Looking forward to: Feeling the baby move, or when I start to show. Almost a race to see which will happen first


Went and looked at the apt.townhouse/whatever and I love it !! We were already talking about where to put stuff and all that. I'm pretty excited. Like dancing excited. Just gotta discuss details, wait for the closing, and give our notice and get outta here ! Yipee !! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy November !

Weird. October went by so fast. In such a slow way. Does that even make sense??  Moving on !

What have I been up to... uh nothing. Feeling better obviously. [did I just jinx myself!] just a few gags and weird breathing fits over the sink every few days. But... I wasn't really bad before. I don't feel as tired. Which is weird. I actually made it thru Sunday without a nap. What is up with that ! Normal non pregnant me couldn't do that ! But this week has been pretty uneventful. It was weird handing out candy on Nov 1. Felt kinda creeper-ish. But we had left overs. I know a lot of counties rescheduled and people didn't know and all kinds of madness ensued and poor kids didn't get to trick or treat. Sad day. Next year I'm totally taking my 5 month old so I can swipe ALL of his/her candy. Oh yeah ! So excited :]

Then... MU game, went to Longhorn. Nummy! How I miss that place and how sad I am that I just now realized I love the Tonion... really? I worked there all the time, and there were always "left over" "sent back" "made too many" whatever, "here-vulture-servers-eat-this-free-tonion" and I'd walk right past it cause it was gross. What was wrong with me ! Anyways. It was a nice double date with my in-laws. I loved it. How weird. Who actually likes going out with their in-laws? It was my idea, and set up and I want to do it all the time. Especially if steak is involved. Speaking of steak. Stupid steak salesman. I hate door to door guys. Sorry if you do it. I loathe you. Especially cause I can't say no. So when I say no 4x and you still push me to get something. I officially want to call the cops. Especially when my husband isn't stepping up and saying "dude, she said no like 20 mins ago, why are you still here?" But on a happy note. I got a box of filets [my fave] that I have no clue how to cook in the amazing way that Longhorn does. So it will probably just be a waste. Oh well. Happy steaks.

Still love my job. Yup. My boss leaves for India tomorrow for the month. Life is going to get a lot more laid back around here [definitely didn't think that was possible] but I'm pretty excited for early days and a few hours of work and sleep :]

OH HELLO! Let me just forget the biggest thing ever. So last week I had my ultrasound. DUH. What the heck. I kept meaning to post stuff all weekend and be like yay babies ! But hello, apparently it wasn't a big deal. Whatever...

So last Thursday was my first ultrasound. I got nervous cause the tech asked me why I was having one when I got there to check-in and I thought she was going to nix it and I would have cried right there. But she said they normally don't do them this early [screw you, I was 13 weeks, I know people who got one at 5 and 7 and shove it] unless somethings wrong and blah blah. But she "squeezed" me through anyways. That's what I thought. Chris wasn't there yet. Sad day ! But I got in the room, loved the girl after we got past me possibly not getting to see my child, and I finally got to see my little one. Still doesn't seem real. Even tho she was shoving that thing into my full bladder and very clearly there was a little human in there. It was so incredible. Everything they say about how you feel in that moment was spot on. I still just couldn't believe it. And I could have laid there staring at that screen for hours and hours. Just watching him/her jump around, and wave, and arch her back and getting a tour "here's the head, here's the hands, count the fingers, here's the umbilical cord, etc" I soaked it all up ! THEN Chris finally arrived. But we got to do it all again :] I really should have recorded him watching since I'd seen it so I kept glancing at him to see his face. It was perfect. Hearing that heartbeat was so perfect. I want it was my ringtone. Not really lol... but sorta really. Such a good day. Got pictures printed, and got to see my little one jumping around like a little bean. Loved it ! I'll post pics at the end.

And I finally told people at work. I kept waiting for the "right moment" and it just felt awkward. I don't know why I find it hard to say "hey, I'm pregnant!" It's like this awkward, look at me look at me selfish spot light moment. I don't know. I'm weird. But my boss knew forever ago. But the techs I hadn't told. But I showed Katie the ultrasound pics and her reaction was good, but I could tell she knew. And she did know ! Piyali came right to her after I told her and was like can she work? OMG what are we going to do ! why didn't she tell us ! and Katie's like.. chill she's fine, she just can't work with toxins. [noted!] So she knew for weeks. And then Brent walked in and im like does he know too.. and she kinda looks sheepish and is like yeah... I told him about 2 weeks ago. I'm like FINE. I quit ! lol So the little students, they for sure don't know. So I'll at least get them. But Katie's fun now that she knows. She makes comments and looks out for me.. sniff sniff. It's cute :] I like us working together. We have fun.

OK no more typing. Sorta. On to my weekly-so-entertaining-pregnancy survey !

How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain: Nothing according to the scale at drs office last week. weird. 
Maternity clothes? I want to buy them all ! not cause i need them. But i have a box coming :] yay !
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: Is sleep. Nothing different. Except peeing in the early AM.  
Best moment this week: the ultrasound and "telling" my coworkers :]
Miss Anything? Not feeling nauseous. Always what I say. 
Movement: don't feel it but it was crazy to see !
Food cravings: I'm loving wheat thins right now <3 especially with cheese. YUM.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Walking Dead. Thanks Chris. And smells still. Not as bad tho.  
Gender: I might have thought boy for a second today. Not going to lie. 
Labor Signs: no way jose !
Symptoms: Evil cramps. And gagging. Ugh 
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :] 
Looking forward to: the day I "pop" according to all these dang blogs ! being overweight doesnt help but geez !
My favorite ^^^
 So far all 10 fingers and toes :]
 creepy halloween face :]
 Strong 160ish heartbeat [superstition says girl!]
 The other awesome halloween shot

not really sure where you see foot... but ok ultrasound tech :]
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