Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ode to being bored

I wish I was a poet so I could write a silly little poem here to go along with my title. Oh well. I'm a science major. Get over it.

I wish there was tons to tell. Unfortunately our lives are not all interesting right now.

I may even repeat stuff that's how outta it I am ! Sorry !

Maybe I'll work backwards. So yesterday was Chris' birthday! Big 2-4 ! He calls me old, and right now he's only a year behind :p Take that Old Man ! I didn't mean to come to work, but I had to. Longer than I wanted. Finally got home and wanted to surprise him with Tudors (yummy!) but it was noon. Lunch time. And he was awake. So we got Taco Bell (we're big and fancy on bdays) and we went with Nathan disc golfing. Thank goodness we only played half the course. My legs can't handle it. I'm so depressingly out of shape. But it was fun. I wasn't too bad. I average about +1 for every hole. Then 2 or 3 I suck completely at and get +3. Oh well :] It was only the 3rd time I'd played. And Chris had fun. Which was the point. He got to use his new disc his mommy got him. Cute ! Wish I had pictures but someone didn't want to hold my phone in his HUGE pockets !

Then we got him a new Marshall shirt. I wanted him to have something to open actually on his bday, but I hate picking out shirts for him. One day I'll learn his taste. Found out Stadium is hiring. So he applied. Late bday present = job? That would be nice. Especially since he'd be right by campus, and a block from me :]

We went home, got cleaned up cause (maybe tmi) Chris sweats like crazy. I was pretty hot and worn out from playing out in the sun, but he was like soaked. Gross. Overactive sweat glands? My poor hubby.

So once we were finally ready, I suggested we get dressed up, so he wore his new button up shirt and tie & I was cute in a skirt, nothing special and couldn't figure out where to go. We started heading to Charleston (good old Quaker Steak in our fancy clothes) but we didn't wanna make the drive. So Olive Garden it is :] (I just realized how much bday info your getting. Was going to be a summary. oh well!) I love that he loves olive garden. My dad hated it growing up.

Ok so that was his bday. Lets see if I can truly summarize anything else.

Bday dinner with family was a blast. Probably the best one so far. Vic suggested for ours next month we do the Great Wolf Lodge ( so fun!) I like birthdays. And family.

Patti and Zayne are back ! Yay ! Zayne got so big its crazy. I forget how much babies actually grow. It's so sad ! But they're back! Nick gets here tomorrow? Today? He's driving. Not sure. MERT COMES HOME SUNDAY ! Ah, and everyone will be back and we'll be back to normal. Yay ! Even though Maddie left today and it was really sad.

On a Maddie/Utah note, we accidentally applied Chris to BYU again. I was just looking to see if his application was still available, and IF we even wanted to apply would we have to redo everything. And... it submitted. So we'll find out by Halloween. We've thrown around the idea about going since our original reasons for staying were 1. my amazing job 2. his school was paid for. Now 1. my job is horrible and makes me want to die and 2. we had to take out a loan for his school. So... our reasons are invalid. Got it Big Guy. So we'll see.

Um... Sarah's baby is due ANY DAY NOW ! I keep waiting for the text. I'm sure we'll be the last to know :p Since we had to find out through the grapevine she was pregnant. But as long as I know eventually I'll be ok :] So I can bring cute stuff to the hospital. I love having such a fluid schedule when Zayne was born cause I'd just leave work and go hang out and help, or grab foam shampoo. It was nice.

Anything else? Oh the diet. Yeah 2 weeks. Everyone quit after 1. Its hard alone. So I quit. Chris is all up on the fads though. So we're on the try this #2. And then we already have a #3 lined up ( check it out. Its on netflix. very enlightening) Not sure if we'll actually do it ! So scary !

Anywho. Can't wait for the next few weeks. Everything goes back into a routine. I want this job thing to get moving. I applied to another one. At Marshall. Fingers crossed. Hopefully a NJ trip ! AH! How awesome would that be ! And my birthday. Don't know what to get me? Just ask. I have wishlists upon wishlists to where you want to shop.

Ok. The end of my novel!

Ps. speaking of novel, read The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. LOVE IT!

1 comment:

  1. Tudor's!!!!!!! Sounds like a super fun birthday celebration. Fingers crossed for you guys on that app!


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