Tuesday, October 29, 2013

If I only had a brain...

Well, that last post I thought I had written and posted has been sitting in draft limbo for um.. about a week. Good times. So I just finished the story (sort of, there's a lot more to it, whatever) and posted it. And now in more recent news :]

My baby will be 6 months next week. Weird. I can't believe he's 1/2 way to a year. He's still so little, but getting so big. Everyone loves him, strangers, my boss, co-workers, anyone. It's fun to have such a cute happy baby. He really is adorable. So, to capture his adorable-ness, we go get family pictures (FINALLY!) I love pictures. I've had our outfits purchased for like a month.

So cute right?

Excited. Even had a cute little hat for Logan that inspired the outfit picking. Scheduled for Sunday (yesterday) after church. I'm all stressed since we get out of church at 230pm that we'd lose sunlight so we left early straight from church. And I had to have everything ready before hand. Not just for church, but for everything ! Ah. Outfits. Makup. Hair stuff. Baby stuff. I even brought stuff for lunch. And had dinner in the crock pot. Go me. Seriously thought I had it all down. So proud. FORGOT HIS HAT ! AHHH. So Mad. That's really all I forgot tho. OH and got home, took a nap from such a busy day, and the stupid crockpot wasn't even on. Like it was on, and plugged in, but... not heated. Not sure why. Stupid thing. We were starving. Ugh. Lame.

So pictures. Ashley Draper is too fun. I love it. She's had beautiful property. Unfortunately it's been rainy so there were a few bare trees that used to be pretty and colorful. Oh well. It's still pretty. I think we got some good shots. She took a ton of pictures. And we went all over. It was a bit chilly so I was worried about Logan. He was a little cranky. So sad. He's such a happy baby too ! We could not get a smile out of him. Well we could, but not facing the camera. Ugh. He has the cutest smile. It's adorable, takes up his whole face. Come on kid ! I'm excited to see them though. We got to play with a deer. Like a real live deer. Ashley has one that wanders around the woods and comes back to her house to eat in the morning and at night. She rescued it when it was a baby so it's all domesticated. It was a lot of fun. She's so soft and fuzzy :] And Logan was reaching for her. It was super cute. I can't wait to see the pictures. I love pictures.

What else has been going on. Work has been work. I wish more stuff was going on. We work. The end. We're getting, or trying to get, our San Diego trip set up. I love planning. Especially trips. Especially trips I don't have to pay for. We get to stay at the Hilton, very nice. Right on the bay. So excited. So much money. Ah. I get stressed seeing how much its going to cost. But yay for going to Cali, seeing the temple, the beach, hopefully sneaking away to see Maddie ! Can't wait.

Church life has been hectic. There are lots of changes. No, I'm not getting released. At least not that I know of. I love serving in the RS presidency. I like my little niche. Which means things are going to get shook up. I have had to scramble with teaching schedules and randomly filling in. Which turns out ok because it's good practice for me to come up with a lesson. Then I got an assignment to speak at Stake Conference. Yikes. I wanted to melt into the floor. And it was at the adult session. I guess I'm an adult. Ugh. I got to talk about the Work of Salvation and the Family. Maybe I'll make my talk into a post and share it, maybe. Probably not. I should. And then I just got done with that what like a week or so ago. All that stress and craziness and now I've got to start working on my lesson for Relief Society. So much ! Thankfully I always think about my topics for forever and practically write my lessons before I actually sit down to write them. I'm excited for this one. Mostly because I kind of came up with this topic. I have some people in mind that need to hear it. But those people are never around. Or they don't pay attention. We'll see. Hopefully the lesson comes across well.  I really can't complain about having so much to do with church. Really? How better to spend my time then pondering these topics, listening to conference talks, or searching the scriptures for material.

What else... Thanksgiving is coming up. I'm pretty dang excited. I have a few little traditions I want to do. Yay for having babies. And since Chris is leaving UPS I'm pretty sure we'll be able to go to NJ!! AHH ! So excited. It's probably going to be a pain to drive that long with Logan. Or it will be cold. Or stormy. I bet Chris will have snow removal and we won't end up going. Ah. I'd cry. I need some Wawa. Hot turkey bowl. Yummy. And boardwalk love. And I need to meet the future Mr Taylor Cadiente. I can't believe my little Tay is engaged. Ugh I feel old. Can't wait for her! Marriage rocks.

I can't really think of anything else going on in my life. My brain is fried. I stayed up too late.  

Monday, October 28, 2013


My apologies. I really shouldn't keep anyone waiting to read the interesting stories of my life. It has been a whole month since my last post. So sorry.

Not much has really been going on. Sorry to disappoint.

Chris is having fun this semester. It's been his first actual hard semester. He's never really had high demand classes, or if he did, it was one class, or only for an assignment or two. Well, it's all caught up to him. It's sad because I can't help for anything. I don't know about programming, or Java, or blah blah blah I can't even tell you words. And he's wanting to stay up late to do homework, cause me and Logi are such a distraction. But with work at 5am, he can't. He doesn't do well off of no sleep. Me, I can get 4 hours and hit the ground running all day. Eventually it will catch up to me, but for the time being... He can't do that. So it's become a balancing act. And sadly, he's cutting UPS. No more early morning job for him. I'm sad because it was the PERFECT job. Sort of. He hated most of the people, and honestly hated getting up, but once he was up he was fine. The actual work wasn't too bad. The pay was good. The hours were amazing ! It's so sad. So now, we just have to make sure he's working every Saturday for family. Which is sad. I loved having our lazy Saturdays, or running errands like a little family. No more. But it should pretty much cover the money we'll lose from UPS. Especially since they have to take out union dues now. Ugh. So here's to big scary steps. Like quitting jobs. I hate money. 6 months & 20 days til graduation. I know we'll miss the simplicity of this time, but I'm ready for my husband to not hate his place in life and get on to making his dreams happen.

Ok. The end of that part.

Baby ! So Logan is the cutest thing. He's actually quite pitiful right now. He's got a little cold, so he coughs and its so sad, and sneezes and his eyes get all watery and he's all stuffy and has a runny nose, magically at the same time. But he's still adorable. He's rolling from back to belly like a champ. Just figured out he could go the other way and looks so confused when he goes from belly to back. He's been on his veggie solids for about a week. We've dived into sweet potatoes, carrots and green beans. Yummy. Not so much. But I've gotten no resistance from him. He likes them all. He even knows what to do when the spoon is coming at his face. Open mouth, don't grab with hands. He's getting so big ! He also has his first little tooth popping through. Poor guy. Can't feel good. But its this teeny tiny tooth on the bottom. I wish that would be it and he'd stop drooling. He soaks his clothes and it can't be comfy to have wet clothes with this weather getting colder. What else. He still talks up a storm. Eats everything (thanks stupid teeth) and loves his mommy and daddy. I love coming home to his little smiles, well big smiles. Its the best part of my day.

OH fun story. Might be TMI for some people, but I don't think so. Get over it.

So I work. I know you know. Oh and I have a baby. Newsflash: I breastfeed. Oh no. I said it. Breasts ! AHH. K, got that outta your system? So, when I'm at work, guess what? I have to pump. Usually we kick the boys out, put a no boys allowed sign on the door and I sit at my desk. All us girls don't care, we work on the computer. There are no experiments going on, nothing gross or life threatening. Our lab is a pretty clean place believe it or not. So sounds good? Cause ya know, I don't work at the hospital where they have rooms for this stuff, or a school, or where ever. This system works pretty well. I hated kicking the boys out. But whatever. Well, we had our random lab inspection the other day with the Chief Safety Officer (sounds official right? we call his Mr. Bad Day, cause he sucks and always gives memos/write ups for the dumbest things). He comes in at no other time than, PUMPING TIME ! Fast forward a little, Katie (my co worker) is going to jump on his and rip him to shreds and he proceeds to tell us the lab probably isn't the best place and "we'll find a better place." Ok, you do that. Lemme know in this science building thats pretty much full, of labs, where I can pump. That day we talked to a lady on the floor who says I can use her office (super nice of her right?) to pump. She's never in it. Just go in lock the door and she'll get the hint. I feel bad. She's only ever needed in there once while I was in there, but even that. It's not my space. I'm bored (suck it up I know!) I used to be able to get work done for that 30mins at my desk. Mr Bad Day's suggestion... they have rooms for that over in the Student Center. Ok. It's not like that building is next door. It's 10-15min walk across campus. Everyday. Twice a day. With my awkward heavy pumping bag. And what about in January when its 15 degrees out... Would YOU walk across campus taking 15 mins to walk there, 30 mins to pump and 15 mins back? Twice? 2 hours?! Stupid man.

The end.

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