Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Belly, belly, & more belly

It feels like my belly is stretching, all the time. But... it doesn't look any bigger from my angle. And then Chris has been calling me huge since... forever ago. So he's not a reliable source. Little Logan is ~3lbs, holy cow. And most of the evil jabs I feel are knees and elbows. Getting a little cramped there kid? Sorry ! And he has one favorite spot right under my ribs on my right side. Constant evil little jabs of love. I was watching my belly dance all over the place the other night. It's fun. I'm a control freak so it's weird I'm so in love with this out of control feeling. I am hitting some exhaustion reminiscent of the 1st trimester. Lame. Everyday when I get home from work I just want to nap, and usually do. Hopefully that's all that comes back. Hello cankles. Gross. I hope my feet stay tiny. I don't want to get bigger feet ! I have my glucose screening tomorrow. Not excited. I've had the little drink in my fridge since last appt a month ago. That way I can drink it at home and get to my appt ready to go instead of having to sit there for an hour. But I'm not excited. Everyone says it tastes like flat orange soda. I HATE ORANGE SODA. Let alone anything flat. Yuck. I am super afraid I'll fail and have to do the 3hr test, or have gestational diabetes. Not sure what factors push that, but if anything I've been eating lately is an indication I'll have it or a huge baby. Hello valentines candy. And just normal candy. And soda. And anything else with sugar in it. We'll see ! Fingers crossed.

Work. Is. Work. I wish we had updates. But... I guess I don't hate it so that's good :]

Remember I said I didn't want to say anything about houses. We're on to house 5, or 6, or 7. I forget. No worries. Right? No stress? It will all work out. RIGHT?!?!

Valentine's Day was fun. I made Chris a rootbeer/swiss roll cake. Thank you pinterest. I had NO clue what to give him. Basically he has everything. And he got me a chocolate bouquet cause what pregnant lady wants real flowers vs chocolate ones. Oh yeah ! He knows me so well. And he was all dressed up when I got home, and had our song playing in the living room and we danced for a second and he said go get dressed and let's get some food. We were going to go to Longhorn (cause it's the best food ever, duh) but we ended up looking at a carseat/base/stroller combo and wanted to buy it. And Nick and Patti were going to Outback and we never get to do anything with them and we wanted to. So we turned around, saw a car on fire. Random! And so yummy dinner. No lobster. Stupid 86 lobster. I hate you. And I got my stroller, and car seat and base. And its cute, and easy and fits together. And I'm happy. Now we just need a diaper bag, and we're set as far as survival. Even though we need a bunch of stuff.  No biggie. No stress. We're ok. Right..?

And... we went to the Temple. I love it. I'm pretty sure I saw a girl from one of my NJ wards. It took me FOREVER to remember where I knew her and then she had her married name on her nametag so that threw me off. And then when we were leaving I couldn't find her. Lame. But we had lunch with the Welch's and it was a blast. Tried to spend out Bed Bath and Beyond gift card, and didn't find anything. Thank you online shopping. Glad to spend the day with my hubby though. And our little family being in the Temple. There isn't a better place.

And... that's all I got for ya ! Getting closer to having a baby. Weird ! Can't believe how fast it's going. Someone said you're either thinking it won't be over soon enough or the complete opposite feeling like there just isn't enough time in the word to get everything ready. I'm the 2nd. I'm freaking out ! But it will be fine. We got this. Baby survey !

How far along? 29 weeks. One more and we'll be 3/4 of the way. Weird! 
Total weight gain: A ton. I can feel it. I'll die tomorrow if it's not like 20lbs.
Maternity clothes? Loving them 
Stretch marks? I don't see any... but I can't see half of my belly  
Sleep: Has been hit or miss. Waking up sick, pounding head ache, tossing. Yuck.    
Best moment this week: Watching the baby belly dance and getting the travel system !
Miss Anything? Breathing....
Movement: A ton. All the time.
Food cravings: Seafood. And strawberries. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: People talking about nasty stuff at work  
Labor Signs: Nope. I think a few BH contractions. No biggie. 
Symptoms: Heartburn. Yup.       
Belly Button in or out? Pretty sure it will stay in. Sad day.  
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy as far as I know. I've had my days. 
Looking forward to: Moving. Getting the last little bit we need. Figure out stuff. And bed time in a few hours.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Hello Third Trimester !

So I've been a slacker. Oops. Sorry my avid readers :] So big life updates?

Not so much. I really can't think of what to update.

Work is work. It seems like someone is sick or dying every week. Still laid back. Still working. People call us liars, we prove them wrong. Take it jerk. And then we have annoying neuro-gods telling us we used fake kits, and then they're too expensive so we should do the testing for him... how does that make sense? Loser.

The baby is all over the place. It's random and stupid blogs say all this stuff about finding a pattern, and learning sleep patterns. NOPE. I get random kicks, or spread eagle moves all the time. But I love it. Even when I wake up 2x a night to pee now. UGH, and then feel little kicks forever and it keeps me up. I really do still love it. I love being pregnant. I see why people love it. I see why people miss it once they give birth. Minus the insane nausea I had towards the beginning-ish, it really has been an incredible experience. Sob sob, ok moving on.

We had our hospital birthing class this past weekend. HA HA HA HA. So I was really concerned cause you can't say butt around Chris without him giggling. I kept thinking, my husband is going to be "that guy" in the class, where every time the nurse says vagina, he snorts. But I kept this thought to myself and said I love him, no matter what, and if he's that guy, well he's mine, so everyone else in the class can suck it up. Well apparently, we had the class full of all "those guys." We'd watch a birthing video and you'd see ALL the business (gag) and all the girls are being mature and such and the nurse asks if there are any questions or comments and some guy in the back is like "gross". Cue all the dudes: snickering. So it was nice that everyone was so down to earth. That we can talk about how real and disgusting it all is. I'm sorry, but I think it really is a beautiful thing to create a life, and the whole process and how it all works and the human body is amazing. Developmental Bio (all about babies developing from conception to birth) was one of my all time favorite classes in college. However, seeing multiple live births in that class... not my cup of tea. And I wanted to be a doctor so stuff doesn't bother me. But there was just something... about it... I don't know. I'm not being all immature about it or whatever. But I don't mind seeing how it goes once. But I could never see that on a regular basis and think "oh its so beautiful!". "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." But other than that, the class was good. The nurse worked with Angel forever, and actually helped Patti when she was having Zayne. She recognized Chris as a Perry as soon as we walked up. It was fun. I liked being told what all the options were and what could go, not wrong, but all the different scenarios. Obviously I have a game plan of how that day will go down and I'm sure my baby's like HAHA you're hilarious. And of course the tour was my favorite, not because I wanted to see everything. We've seen it all with Patti's and Sarah's births. I love stopping by the nursery :] It gets me super excited ! And then so thankful we still have 3 months lol AH, only 3 months !

Update on the house. I want to name this something. The Livingston House Saga or something dramatic. It's been so insane. So house #1 on East Pea Ridge didn't pass inspection. Townhouse #2 (or should I say condo, jerks) had stupid owner drama and fell thru. House #3 I didn't even write about cause... I seem to be jinxing things. It was a 4br 2 bath house in Chesapeake. Way more room than we needed but there was so much I loved about it. That ended up being in the wrong school district. So they put a bid on house #4 AH. I'm afraid to ask for updates. This one is in the perfect location. It seems teeny tiny... but, has a big yard? I haven't seen inside except for creeping thru the open blind slats, so... we shall see. Hopefully there won't be a #5 unless its big...ger. Or something. I don't know. So hopefully we get a house. Every time I see our manager lady at our apt I want to yell at her and can't wait to give our notice. And have somewhere to put the pile of baby stuff in our living room. My living room always smells good though. Like little babies. And I get to stare at all the fun stuff I got and then freak out at everything that is missing.

Let's see...  that's all my brain can think of saying now. So onto my baby update that I've been behind on since forever ago.

How far along? 28 weeks. THIRD TRIMESTER! 7 months ! AH ! 
Total weight gain: Um... 6ish lbs I think at last appt 3 weeks ago.
Maternity clothes? They're roomy and nice. Even my "big" tshirts aren't big. They're tight. Cool. 
Stretch marks? Not yet. I feel the stretching, and put lotion on my belly all the time  
Sleep: Sucks. Little things are waking me up and I have to pee at least 2x a night. And the stupid dumpster guy next street over. Die Die DIE.    
Best moment this week: Strangers asking about my baby :] No molesting yet, just questions
Miss Anything? Honestly... no. I'm loving things right now.
Movement: Lots and lots. Until I call Chris over to feel and then he stops all movement
Food cravings: The other night was reeses, baby carrots and pepsi. Yum.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not at the moment.  
Labor Signs: Nope. Still waiting to see what Braxton Hicks feel like... ugh 
Symptoms: Heartburn, stretching belly. Pregnancy brain.        
Belly Button in or out? In. It's getting so tiny but not poking out yet 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy lately I love it ! 
Looking forward to: NOT my appt with the glucose screening. Ugh. I guess just more regular movements so Chris can feel him more. And our house/apt/condo/whatever lol

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Geography lesson

Checking my blog stats is totally helping me relearn countries. I'm like what the heck is that country? google help ! Ooooohhh, there it is. I remember learning that sometime in HS. So hello to anyone who randomly stumbles across my blog :] I find joy in seeing the foreign places listed. It's incredible how small the world has become over the last few decades, and I'm young and can't even truly take it all in. Nevertheless, I still recognize it. What can I say, I'm wise beyond my years. 

Speaking of wise. I got this quote in my inbox today and it really is the whole reason this update is even happening even though I'm behind on my normal weekly update. But it's a quote for this past LDS General Conference from Quentin L Cook. Enjoy: 

"Parents must have the courage to say no, 
defend truth, 
and bear powerful testimony. 
Your children need to know that you have faith in the Savior, 
love your Heavenly Father, 
and sustain the leaders of the Church. 
Spiritual maturity must flourish in our homes."

It's from his talk "Can Ye Feel So Now?" I highly recommend it like I do most of the conference talks. But I thought it was a nice little nugget of love to remind me what part of my responsibility as a future parent is. I think a majority of the issues with kids today (and even some young adults) stem from the shirking of responsibility of their parents. Be courageous, say no. You're not their friend. They have plenty of friends. They need parents. And in a world that is only getting more confused and more lost day by day, what's right and what's wrong, we need to defend the truth we know and have, and bear not just a testimony but a powerful testimony. 

This quote gives me a simple self check. Am I [going to be] courageous? Am I defending truth? Am I bearing powerful testimony? Do I have faith in the Savior, love my Heavenly Father, and sustain the leaders? (Which I could go on and on about how we should sustain them but so much more than raising our right arm at conference) 

Ok rant over. I thought it was pretty   (fill in the blank cause I can't think of the work)  . Intense? Poignant? Profound? Wise? I don't know. Pregnancy brain :] Love it!  
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