Saturday, December 29, 2012


I am totally in love with not going to work. I know. Shocker. I do truly love my job. But, I do love doing whatever I want, when I want. And also the complete opposite, doing nothing, never. My sleep schedule is all outta wack, but I was sick, still sorta am. So 2 weeks of dying, I let myself sleep in til... my body couldn't sleep anymore. That will be fun next week when I have to be up. Depressing !

So what have I been doing? Christmas kept us pretty busy. Got a ton of gift cards :] which is awesome, since we don't know what we want and now we can just have the money! I loved seeing family, especially my cousins since I pretty much only see them at this time of year. And I love seeing all the Perry's together. There's so many of us. I loved all my gifts. My amazing husband got me a fancy wedding band to replace the ones we got from my aunt and uncle. This one has lots of little diamonds and "matches" my engagement ring so much better. I'm sad we don't have matching bands but love how shiny my finger looks. And I wasn't expecting it. Usually I ruin my surprises or find out or something ! But this one, even when I got down to the little jewelry box, I still didn't expect a ring, but maybe a necklace, or earrings. It was such a fun present. Love it ! And Chris and his mom went in together and got me a nice sewing machine ! Woo ! I'm so excited to use it. I apparently have a long list of things that need fixed. And I can finally make all the clothes I have pinned in my "DIY Clothes" board. I love clothes. I love sewing. There's something so soothing about that sound. And it's mine. No more borrowing, or breaking, or figuring out. I need to find a learn your sewing machine class. This one has SO many stitches and needles and all this crazy stuff. Yay presents ! And Baby Peaches got his/her first present ! My grandma sent us a little floor mat gym thing. It's so cute. I'm so excited to find out what the baby is and see all the cute stuff we get and finally get to buy stuff since I've held off until we find out. Woo !

And I'm so excited for the shower next week. Invitations are out so in the next few days everyone will know if its a boy or a girl. And then one more week and we get to know !! Ah !! It's true that doing this right after the holidays made the time go so much quicker. One more week. I love my little baby. I love feeling her move around, and push against my tummy and all those fun little things. And seeing her on the ultrasound, hearing her beautiful heartbeat. But to finally know if we're having a little boy or girl will be so wonderful. To finally know ! Logan or Lizzie. Mickey or Minnie. Pink or Blue ! Ah ! I love it. I can't wait to know ! 7 more days !

 So now that I have no idea what else happened this last week since I'm so excited for next week, I'll move on to the baby survey!

How far along? 21 weeks 
Total weight gain: I've gained 2 since last appt, but still -1. I dont care anymore 
Maternity clothes? Yes maam ! Love all the comfy ones. Might have to graduate to bigger shirts since all my big tshirts are getting tight. Lame !
Stretch marks? No?
Sleep: I sleep for forever, but never feel like it when I wake up. And no position is comfy. Lame.
Best moment this week: Well last week someone who doesnt know me asked me a question regarding being pregnant ! Woo ! It's finally noticeable !
Miss Anything? Not being sick. Every other day about I throw up. I thought this was over.  
Movement: Lots. Nothing consistent. And I swear I felt a kick on the outside ! So close ! 
Food cravings: Fruits. Apparently anything out of season and a million dollars for crappy fruit. Next pregnancy is during the spring/summer when fruit is delicious ! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Coughing makes me gag, cold to hot, it's lovely.   
Gender: This week I'll say boy, cause I'm too excited to use Logan :] 1 week !
Labor Signs: No way
Symptoms: Throwing up, pregnancy brain, tired, fat.    
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On. Still loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy? lol 
Looking forward to: THE SHOWER !! ahh !!

Oh and I did remember an awesome thing from this last week (pregnancy brain... sorry!) We all got to go to the Columbus Temple with Madison for her to receive her endowments. That's where someone asked me about being pregnant. I got to wear the comfiest skirt. It was stretchy. Loved it ! It was really nice being in the Temple with all the family and friends. It was lovely. I love being in the Temple ! Here's some links for those interested or if you have question ! (for temple info) and (for endownment info!)

Yay life !

Friday, December 21, 2012

Time flies !

Where the heck does the time go ! It's almost Christmas, and then it's New Years, and then hello, it's 2013. What the heck !! Why does time go faster the older you get instead of the other way around ? That would make so much more sense to me. When I rule everything, that's what I'll do...Noted.

Well, not much has been happening. Work has just been work. We have too many people and not enough to do, especially since it was getting towards break and everything slows down. I do still enjoy it tho! I say that like I'm waiting to one day hate it. Never gonna happen ! So work is work. I have off for 3ish weeks. Which is super nice and awesome. And another reason why I adore my job.

We had our baby appointment last week. Goodness, it seems so long ago. I love ultrasound appointments and being able to see our little one. And he/she is big enough to see all kinds of details. We counted all the fingers and toes :] That was awesome. Measured everything. Tech says baby peaches is looking good. So that's comforting. So far I haven't done anything wrong. We went through with our crazy idea of not finding out then. The tech was so good about it and joked with us and kept telling us to look away just in case. I'm glad. I was afraid we'd see something. And Chris has been such a good sport. He hates, HATES this idea, but he's been good about it. I said just give me this one baby and this one fun idea, and then he can do whatever he wants for the rest of them. But, I resisted the urge to peek in the envelope, and handed it off asap, and so far so good. Take that all you nay-sayers ! We've lasted a week without any mess ups. Chris keeps saying Angel is giving it away, but I'm just not paying attention enough. So two more weeks. Yay for baby shower ! Ah, I've gotta register ! Arg. I'm excited though. Everyone planning it and all their little comments and their excitement makes me so excited. And so thankful for everyone helping. I can't wait to see their ideas and their work and everything. It's going to be great. Aleshia keeps saying I hope you like it, or it's what you want and I just keep saying as long as I know it's a boy or girl when I walk in, and as long as no one ruins it before Jan 5th, everything will be perfect. So... 2 weeks. We got this.

I finally got sick too. Stupid cold. It's been my turn, everyone's been sick around me for forever and I'm so surprised I hadn't gotten something sooner. But it didn't turn into the flu, or pneumonia or anything. I just sound horrible, cough up a lung every morning, and can't breathe 90% of the time. But hey, "this too shall pass" right?? If only I could take my dear sweet NyQuil and conk out for the night. I can dream...

Luckily with this break, I can just sleep all day (not always a good thing) and get better and take it easy. And that's what I've been doing. Take that.

Chris got that job at Radio Shack. He was supposed to go in sometime to train this week, but they never called... weird. But hey, it's supposed to snow ! Who called it? Me? He hasn't even started yet and it's supposed to snow. I guess I shouldn't gloat until I actually see snow. Usually there's a 100% chance of 1in or more and then there's nothing. But, he's out salting right now. Yay money ! We're so broke. It's awesome. In the worst way.

Anything else? Busy busy with the holidays. Can't wait to see everyone. Can't wait for the shower. Jan 5, 2pm. Be there.

How far along? 20 weeks ! Halfway. And I barely feel pregnant...
Total weight gain: According to me like 8lbs, but we'll see at my appt next week. 
Maternity clothes? Heck yeah ! I love love maternity pants. And the super slicky black ones Lorien sent <3
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Actually slept from midnight til 1030 one morning straight. no potty breaks. NOTHING
Best moment this week: Feeling the little baby pushing up against my belly and pushing it back. So fun !
Miss Anything? Not feeing outta breathe. and I know I am barely experiencing part of that issue 
Movement: Little jabs, and then full on pressure against my tummy. and i push back. lol its fun  
Food cravings: Stilly my Wendys salad. YUM. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not lately. Please don't ask or something will happen.   
Gender: I'm saying girl. 2 weeks!
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: I'm such a ditz. Love it.   
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On. Soooo loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: I can see my swings more now. Sorry Chris ! 
Looking forward to: Feeling better. and then next survey will be about the shower ! ah !

Monday, December 10, 2012

December !

December is going by so fast. Oh yeah and Christmas... I should probably get on that whole present buying thing. Oh wait ! You need money for that. Haha ! Silly me. But Chris has a second interview at Radio Shack today. I'm really sad cause it's cheap-y mall pay but hey, its better than what he's making right now, with no snow, and no job. Lame. And (hoepfully) it will start snowing ASAP. Cause that's how it goes. But yay for job interviews ! I thought about a second job, except who would hire me for 5 months... Lame.

This week was pretty fun. Decorated work with lots of snow flakes. I love them. Watched Elf (not at work, I would never do that...) and had fun with my people. We're coming up on our last week of work. I'm so excited !! This week should be pretty simple. Lab lunch, yay free food! Then OB appt to see the sex of the baby Thursday !! Then Friday is the big department lunch. More free food ! I like food.

So, regarding the gender, don't ask me what I'm having. I won't know. You'll know. If you want an invite/save the date, let me know ! I think they're sending out "save the date" type things first, with all the info, then later you'll find out what it actually is. DONT TELL ME!! I will punch you in the face. I'll let you know the date ASAP. People won't confirm or deny. But yay. It stresses me out cause I feel like there's so much I need to do ! Ah ! Help ! **UPDATE: The date has been confirmed. Jan 5th will be the shower. Please let me know your contact info. Location is still to be determined. I doubt it will be anywhere but the church but that's not confirmed yet !

I've finally jumped into maternity clothes. At least pants. Shirts tend to slide up the little stretchy belly part cause its slicky. But they're so much more comfy then waiting until I'm absolutely uncomfortable in my jeans and have to unbotton them. Then I'm paranoid people can see and they're like look at crazy lady. But thanks to some wonderful people in my life, I've gotten hand-me-downs and they fit ! So I've only had to buy 1 pair of pants and that was from the consignment sale for $10. Oh yeah ! Go me. But they're comfy. I don't know why normal people don't wear them all the time.

So I've been having these crazy thoughts now that all the blogs say the baby can hear me and will start hearing outside stuff. I'm so paranoid about what I say. Nothing bad, obviously I don't have a potty mouth. But there's stuff I'm like my child will never watch this or whatever, but there I am talking about it, or watching it. And I'm like OH NO, my poor little babies ears ! I'm going crazy ! Except last night, I went to my Aunt Linda's Christmas Festival thing at her church. It was awesome. Pretty sure they have more people in their choir then we have attend our normal church service. COOL. I was jealous. They did amazing. So many different types of songs, not just the traditional normal boring Christmas music. And I was really sad at first cause I went alone (screw you world, I do what I want!) and felt like such a loser, except I fellowshipped and made friends :] But I was sitting there with my newly showing belly, and was super excited that my baby could hear. I'm like yay ! you'll love Christmas music ! And how beautiful it sounds and then I was like, wait, I'm not alone. I'm never alone (freaky weird thought I know) but I was happy to enjoy this first little Christmas moment with my little one. I know, I'm a crazy mom-to-be with my psycho thoughts. But it was a cute little moment and like a :p moment to all the people that didn't come with me ! I was alone. Let me comfort myself.

And... that's all I have for ya. I really can't remember all the other craziness that is my life.

I'll post pictures of stuff. My g-mail is being lame.

 Happy 19 weeks. Almost halfway !
 At the sweet concert. Aunt Linda being a "ding-a-ling" as she called it !
First MU Basketball game. We barely won. Slackers.

How far along? 19 weeks ! Almost half way. Weird.
Total weight gain: Might have actually gained this time. 
Maternity clothes? Yay for stretchy pants, the maternity bottoms I have, and i've got my eye on a belly band.
Stretch marks? Not that I've noticed
Sleep: Normal
Best moment this week: When Robert called my Chubbs. THANKS
Miss Anything? When we talked about sushi again. 
Movement: Little jabs, little waterbed type movements.  
Food cravings: Salads. I know its not "good" but wendys salads and baked potato. I had one Sat. Will have another for lunch.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Decided I wanted to get sick out of nowhere Saturday. COOL.   
Gender: Everyone finds out this week ! Thursday !
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Total forgetfulness. It's awesome.  
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On. Fall off tho
Happy or Moody most of the time: Um... happy? 
Looking forward to: Seeing my baby on the ultrasound again. Even if I won't get to know the sex, I love seeing him/her!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Almost halfway... weird !

Well... I'm bored. Not really sure what I'm updating for except a few things I have to share. Nothing monumental. 

We were crazy people and had our insane DC overnight trip. Drove up Friday, way to late getting started. Stayed with friends out there. It's fun having friends. Being little grown ups with other grown ups. Then rushed off to go to the DC Temple. Which is gorgeous and like a castle if you ever have the chance to see it in person. I'm going to talk like you know what I'm talking about but if you have questions, just ask cause I don't know if I want to explain it all here if I don't need to. For the first time I was able to use names from my personal family history and take those names to have work done at the Temple. We just did their baptism and confirmation, which is the first step. But it was such an incredible experience to bring those by no one else's efforts (minus my dad who helped a lot) and get their work started. It was pretty amazing. Here's a brief intro to part of what I did: Temple Baptisms. So that was a great start to the day. 

Then we took some pictures and I had this whole itinerary scheduled and ready to get going and it all got shot to Hades. So it ended up just being Chris and I in downtown DC walking around the mall looking at the sites, which was totally fine cause we like to spend time together and we have fun. And neither of us had been down there in years, so it was a-ok. We wish we could have scheduled a segway tour. MAN that woulda been sweet. Oh well. Then it was rush back up to where the Temple is (it's actually not in DC, it's in Kensington, MD, about 30 mins north of DC) to get food from Cafe Rio !! The best place to eat cause I miss it so much from Utah. ::sob:: We had to rush through the line and I had to eat in the car. Lame. Silly time constraints. Oh well. It was delicious. Even the next day. So rush back to the Temple where they have a Visitor's Center with all kinds of fun things to do, exhibits, murals, statues, videos, learning things. Fun Fun. Well the whole point for the trip was to go see this Christmas concert with Jenny Oaks Baker, an amazing violinist that my little sister in law loves. The concert was free why not. We made it to the concert 2 minutes before they gave away our seats. Rude. But it was cute little Christmas thing. We walked around to see all the pretty lights that are strung up everywhere. Said bye to everyone and hit the road. Ugh. 9pm. Yay...? I had to be back to make it to church the next day because I was teaching. Silly teaching. But we made it. We thought it would be a lot later like 4 or 5am by the time we got home, but we pulled in right after 3am. Sleep. Church. More sleep. The end of the weekend trip. 

So baby news. Went to my appt last week. Everything looks great. I heard the baby's heartbeat <3 Which was such a wonderful sound to make me feel better about everything. I didn't hurt my baby when I fell, my baby was fine even if I wasn't growing, etc. Silly mommy thoughts. The best part of the appt was leaving and scheduling my next appt for the gender ultrasound ! AH !! I can't believe it's already been long enough to see what my baby is... where is the time going!! So in a week, Dec 13th, I'll go get the ultrasound, keep it a secret from myself (I'm pretty sure I'll let Chris know, since he's being a butt about it) and then sometime after Christmas or the New Year I'll have my baby shower and find out. YAY! I'm super excited. Pretty sure I won't be fat for my baby shower. How lame is that? Except that, especially today, my jeans are NOT comfy and for the longest time this morning they were unbuttoned and unzipped. Thank you big t-shirt and hoodie. So maybe I am starting to grow. Woo ! So that's the fun news. So if you're coming to my baby shower, or whatever, I think it will be that week after the New Year when people are getting back from vacation and such. Oh So Excited ! And then I remembered everything I have to do. Anyone wanna help me register. Cause I don't want to. haha Or send me some suggestions :] THANKS !

Such a good looking group ! 
 Pretty Temple !
    The Washington Monument, in case you didn't know.

So that's been fun. Now this week is just work, survive, and make it to our break in a few weeks. And keep my fingers crossed that Chris passes all this classes.

How far along? 18 weeks !
Total weight gain: -3 pounds. Cool. 
Maternity clothes? I'm in the market for belly bands since I'm not so huge to not need my normal pants. Oh and another bigger bra. Cool!
Stretch marks? nope?
Sleep: The norm  
Best moment this week: hearing the reassuring slushy heartbeat of my peaches
Miss Anything? Um... no? 
Movement: Little pokes and jabs. Kinda like if I have the slightest twitch of a muscle deep inside me.  
Food cravings: Nope. but my baked potato today was divine. and i always want danged fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick: When we got back from our trip and i was so exhausted   
Gender: My prediction... since next week everyone will find out... is GIRL haha we'll see
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: My belly feels like its in the way and I'm squishing it when i lean to grab something  
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On. Fall off tho
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody. I think it's stressed 
Looking forward to: Everyone finding out the sex next week so they can get excited !
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